Let me give you a peek at breakfasts that you might encounter on a Grand Canyon Rafting trip with Arizona River Runners.
First thing every single day on, even before breakfast, is the call for COFFE-E-E-E-E-E. It's loud and clear, and you can roll out of your sleeping bag and get a freshly brewed cup o' joe. You can do this in your PJ's....you don't necessarily have to speak to anybody or be cheery and bright. You can grab your hot mug of caffeine and retreat to some outrageously beautiful and scenic spot to savor your morning mud. Can only be done on a Grand Canyon rafting trip!
A little later you'll hear a holler for BREAKFA-A-A-A-A-ST. Now it's time to get yourself down to the "kitchen" and get some vittles. You might find eggs to order with bacon or sausage. Perhaps it's a morning for french toast - hot off the griddle, the maple syrup is warm too. There's always fresh fruit, real orange juice, tea, and oatmeal. Maybe you'll start your day with blueberry pancakes and yogurt. My personal favorite is build-your-own omelet. You pick your favorite fillers and they magically cook 3 beautiful omelets at a time on this huge griddle. Then you hunker down to savor your own favorite bites of omelet steaming hot off that griddle.
Breakfast, and all other meals with Arizona River Runners, involves real food. You won't be subsisting on dehydrated flakes or other extrapolations of backpacking food. There is fresh brewed coffee and fresh fruit. ARR guides are all great cooks. If you have particular food restrictions or needs, that too is easily addressed.
A great breakfast in the Grand Canyon. Does it get any better than that? You really should try it.