Monday, February 15, 2010

Arizona River Runners Featured in LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Men's Journal and RyanAir and SkyWest Magazines

Arizona River Runners is featured in the latest publications around the world. Check this out:

"Book It Now" feature in the February issue of Men's Journal... pick-up a copy on your news stand today.

Flying anywhere? Sky West Magazine and RyanAir Magazine both feature Arizona River Runners.

Chicago Tribune features Arizona River Runners in their Travel deals: The cruise edition


A hike and river ride

The "7-Day Motor Powered Trip" by Arizona River Runners kicks off with a 7 1/2 -mile hike from the Grand Canyon's South Rim down to the Colorado River. From there, it's a 138-mile adventure over the water (sometimes calm, sometimes white) with stops to examine spring wildflowers, hike to memorable overlooks, check out side canyons, find hidden waterfalls and marvel at Native American ruins.

Dates: April 8-14

Price: $1,695, including all river and hiking guidance, a 10% early season discount for trips launching before May 15 and transportation to and from nearby Peach Springs, Ariz. Pre- and post-trip transit to Las Vegas is available for $65.

Info: Arizona River Runners, Phoenix; (800) 477-7238,